Lord’s Bond-Servant

Lord’s Bond-Servant We have considered the sovereign role of God, and the responsibility of the inquirer. Drawing from 2 Timothy 2:24-26, let’s examine the role and responsibility of the encourager. The first pre-requisite is be a bond-servant of God. You cannot...

Not All Spiritual

Not All Spiritual I had an interesting comment by an encourager in Canada. The one drawback about the truth encounter is that it works so well that the inquirer can leave and not even be aware that he had a spiritual problem. I understand his concern, because many...

Done Properly and In An Orderly Manner

Done Properly and In An Orderly Manner During a conference in Texas I was having a freedom appointment with a young lady. A doctor’s wife was my prayer partner. It was a very difficult case, and I had to be very careful not to lose control of the session. The inquirer...

Truth Encounter

Truth Encounter In the classic “power encounter,” the pastor is the deliverer, and they seek information from demons. I believe there is something inherently wrong with that approach in the Church age. First, why would we believe anything a demon says? They all speak...

Power Encounter

Power Encounter The concept of deliverance was briefly mentioned in the seminary I attended, even though the gospels record numerous encounters that Jesus had with demons. I was taught that Jesus demonstrated His superiority over demons, but that was about all. With...

Encounter with God

Encounter With God Let me start this week with a brief summary of Discipleship Counseling. When one Christian seeks the help of another believer, God is also present and a relationship triangle is formed. God is at the top of the triangle, and the two corners...

Seek First

Seek First While teaching at Talbot School of Theology a young lady called me from the other side of the country asking for help. She said that she had deep personal problems and was plagued by condemning and blasphemous thoughts. I said I would give her a half day...

Dr. Neil Anderson’s Blog – September 2013

9/2/13 – Taking the Initiative to Get Well 9/3/13 – Borderline Personality 9/4/13 – Two Extremes 9/5/13 – More than Rescuing 9/6/13 – Seek First 9/9/13 – Encounter with God 9/10/13 – Power Encounter 9/11/13 – Truth Encounter 9/12/13 – Done Properly and In An Orderly...

More than Rescuing

More than Rescuing We have been considering the inquirer’s responsibility. Helping them to pray and encouraging them to take the initiative leads to the third issue in the James 5 passage. “Therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you...

Two Extremes

Two Extremes Having been invited to speak in numerous churches I have witnessed two extremes when it comes to pastoral care. One extreme was a large multi-staff church that focused on preaching and teaching, but very little pastoring. They had an agreement with a...

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