
Get Stronger.

Every church leader is looking for solutions to help people grow in their faith and bear spiritual fruit. Most individual believers have something they need to overcome- something that is often hindering their spiritual growth at any given time. The general programming of the church is challenged to address it because it is different for everyone.

For the Corinthians it was jealousy and strife. But we know it could be anything: bitterness, rebellion, pride, fear, anxiety, depression, addiction and other habitual sin patterns such as pornography etc. Until the individual or individual church identifies what it is for them and appropriately deals with it through repentance and faith, their harmony with God and others, as well as their spiritual growth, will be hindered.

This is where our ministry can come alongside of and support church leaders. We can provide tools to help believers and churches biblically address the things that are hindering growth.


Are you passionate about leading a church or ministry of fruitful disciples that makes a major impact for the Kingdom of God?

Check out TRANSFORM Fall 2024!

Transform Fall 2024

Not quite ready to commit to Transform?

Consider taking the FICM leadership development course

Becoming the Leader God Gifted

(previously Freed to Lead but now so much more)

*This updated course is specifically for biblically literate, mature Christian leaders impacting the lives of others.

Starting Fall 2024, join FICM staff member Craig Bess in a small group Zoom setting. Note your preferred session date below.
More details will be released soon.

Tuesday Class

August 13 – December 10
7:30 PM ET/ 6:30 CT/ 5:30 MT/ 4:30 PT

Wednesday Class

August 14 – December 11
11:00 AM ET/ 10:00 CT/ 9:00 MT/ 8:00 PT

Thursday Class

August 15 – December 12
3:00 PM ET/ 2:00 CT/ 1:00 MT/ Noon PT

All three sections cover the same material. We offer the flexibility to attend a different class section due to unexpected schedule changes or conflicts.

Pastors are hurting so badly right now. Most are suffering silently, either waiting “for this season to pass” or holding on as long as possible before finally exiting the ministry. Just reading those words may feel jarring to you because you do a pretty good job hiding that exact kind of struggle. I get it — not too long ago, I was there, too. I was invited into the Freed to Lead course at a time when I was ready to walk away from ministry (I had actually written but not yet submitted my resignation letter to my church). I can’t even begin to describe in this space all the ways this resource has impacted me, but God used Freed to Lead to redeem not just His calling on my life but also my heart. I pray He will do the same for you as a leader who feels worn out, desperate and disconnected or who just feels like you are not experiencing God’s activity in whatever context He has put you in.


– Pastor J

9051 Executive Park Drive, Suite 503 • Knoxville, TN 37923 • 865.342.4000