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In this Mid-Spring Wrap Session of Stories of Freedom, Dan & Manda reflect on the impactful stories shared by their guests throughout the first quarter of Season 3. They laugh their way through a rehashing of the behind the scenes stories and on-air antics of the last several months. We’d love to hear your feedback […]
episode list
(Re-Run) Neil Anderson: How Identity in Christ, Repentance, and Spiritual Warfare Shaped Freedom in Christ Ministries
Neil Anderson is the founder of Freedom in Christ Ministries and the best-selling author of books Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker. Originally raised on a farm in Minnesota, Neil left a successful aerospace engineering job to go into ministry. As a...
Chris Campbell: How Freedom in Christ Can Be Partnered With Licensed Counseling
Today’s guest is Chris Campbell. Chris is a licensed Christian Counselor, practicing in West Virginia. Chris began his adult life as an engineer, then became a pastor, and now is a counselor. In today’s episode, Chris will give us a broad overview of how Freedom in...
Matt Massingale: Finding the Root of Sin Patterns
Today’s guest is Matt Massingale. Matt is a father, husband, and the recent author of one of our new fee resources “No Power Over Me: Demolishing Satan’s Lies”. Matt grew up in a small town in Louisiana, where he was exposed to some pretty scary circumstances....
Beverly Wilburn: Atheist Turns Evangelist When She Encounters a God of Love
Today’s guest is Beverly Wilburn. Beverly grew up in a difficult home but her Grandfather was a Baptist preacher who showed her the love of God. After his passing, she was looking for a Christian who showed the same kind of love as her grandfather. When she couldn’t...
Josh and Mandy Shaarda: Seeing Lives Transformed in the Prisons of Uganda
Today’s guests are Josh and Many Shaarda. Josh and Mandy met in Bible College, and once they got married, they made the difficult decision to move to an unreached part of Nigeria. After a few years there, the Shaardas felt the Lord move them to Uganda, where they now...
Sarah Keel: A Former Addict Finds Her Calling Ministering to the Broken
Today’s Guest is Sarah Keel. Sarah is a wife, mother, and executive director of Renew Clinic- a Christ centered recovery ministry for those who have struggled with substance abuse. Sarah grew up in a home where she experienced lots of change and was not introduced to...
Billy Burleigh: Leaving Transgenderism and Finding His Identity in Christ
Today’s guest is Billy Burleigh. Billy accepted Jesus when he was a young boy, but soon after he had a thought come into his mind: “God made a mistake, I’m a girl”. Billy started to believe the lies of the enemy, and after encouragement from his therapist, decided to...
Amber Ward: Learning Forgiveness Amidst Abuse
Today’s guest is Amber Ward. Amber met Jesus at a young age and she and her late husband met in their high school youth ministry. After their daughters were born, Amber’s husband was diagnosed with a chronic illness. Through this difficulties of his illness, Amber’s...
Lauren Boyt: Understanding the Power of Forgiveness and Letting Christ Be Our Defender Scheduled
We have an exciting announcement! Today's Guest is Lauren Boyt, who will be the new co-host of Stories of Freedom Podcast! Lauren is a recent graduate from Baylor University and is Freedom in Christ's new Communications and Content Manager! Lauren grew up in a healthy...
What is the Stories of Freedom podcast?
Join host, Amanda Thompson, and Dan Studt, President of Freedom in Christ Ministries, USA, as they talk to people who have overcome all types of struggles, gained freedom, and found abundant life in Christ.
Wherever you are in your faith journey, we pray that these “stories of freedom” inspire you to trust God for growth and transformation that you never thought possible and empower you to discover who you are & what you’re capable of in Christ.
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The Stories of Freedom Podcast is 1 of the 3 new initiatives FICM has developed to equip the next generation to know who they are in Christ.