Our Discipleship Process
Learn the Biblical truths of your identity, position and authority in Christ.
Below are several different media resources that teach the important Biblical truths of your freedom and identity in Christ. You can choose to go through the material on your own or in a small group class over Zoom (we highly recommend this option!). Classes run in the fall and in the spring. If you are interested in taking an online class, click below:
If there is not a class available, you can still go through the material on your own.
Choose one of the three options below to prepare for going through The Steps to Freedom in Christ or requesting a one-time Freedom Appointment.

The Freedom in Christ Course
The Freedom in Christ Course is a 10-week long, video-based discipleship course designed to help every Christian break free from what is holding them back and become who they are made to be in Christ. It is for every Christian—from those who have been Christians for a long time to those who are brand-new followers of Jesus. The Freedom in Christ Course presents the powerful Biblical truths of identity and freedom in Christ found in Victory Over the Darkness + The Bondage Breaker in a new, condensed format. Unlike many Christian discipleship courses today, the focus is not on how to behave, but on what to believe.

Salvation is so much more than knowing where we are going when we die. If you are willing to repent and believe the Gospel, you will discover that Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor and the Great Physician. He came to set captives free and bind up the brokenhearted. This book starts at the beginning with Creation and the Fall, then explains the Gospel and how to have a deep, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. Whether you are just learning about Jesus or have been a Christian for years, Restored awakens you to your true identity, showing you how to step free from your past and walk into life restored—the way God intended.

Victory Over Darkness
Neil T. Anderson
Understanding who you are in Christ is where it all begins. The powers of darkness attack us daily, but you have the power and protection of God to conquer these attacks and live triumphantly by realizing your identity in Christ. Be empowered to renew your mind and become the spiritual person you want to be.

The Bondage Breaker
Neil T. Anderson
Discover how to break free from the struggles of your flesh and embrace the promise of Christ to win the spiritual battle for your mind to live victoriously. Once you are grounded in your identity in Christ, use this resource to learn how the enemy attacks and how to successfully stand firm in the armor of God.
These titles are intended to be read as a set.
We recommend reading Victory Over the Darkness first and then The Bondage Breaker.
Go through The Steps to Freedom in Christ.
After you have learned the important Biblical truths about who you are in Christ, the next step is to pray through The Steps to Freedom in Christ. This is a key part of our discipleship process. The Steps to Freedom in Christ is a Biblically-based ministry tool derived from James 4:7 – “Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Repentance and renewing your mind is required in order to experience the freedom that is yours in Christ and grow in the grace of God. Processing these steps will play a major role in your journey of becoming more and more like Jesus so that you can be a fruitful disciple. However, successfully going through the Steps is not an end; it is a beginning of growth and the start of a lifestyle of freedom.

The Steps to Freedom in Christ
Developed by Neil. T. Anderson and used by thousands around the world, The Steps to Freedom in Christ is a prayer and repentance process designed to help every Christian deal with life’s baggage before the Lord and restore intimacy with their Father God. The Steps covers seven critical issues that affect our relationship with God like pride, unforgiveness, deception, rebellion, and more. This powerful step-by-step process can help you take hold of the freedom that is yours in Christ Jesus and become firmly rooted in Christ.
Note: The Steps to Freedom are also found in the Appendix of The Bondage Breaker, and they are included in Restored (each chapter includes a different “step” and explains it in depth).
Maintain your freedom.
It doesn’t take long to establish your identity and freedom in Christ, but there is no such thing as instant maturity. Our spiritual growth journey never ends because renewing your mind and conforming to the likeness of Christ is a life-long process. What you have gained must be maintained. Periodically praying through The Steps to Freedom in Christ is something all of us in the ministry continue to do as we’ve found it is an effective way to maintain intimacy with God and healthy relationships with others. We would encourage you to do the same.
Stronghold Buster:
After praying through The Steps to Freedom in Christ, has the Holy Spirit revealed to you core lies you’ve believed?
You may find it beneficial to work through a “Stronghold Buster” by continuing to take your thoughts captive and renew your mind to the truths in scripture. It’s a simple method of changing your thinking by embracing the truth. We’ve found that developing “Stronghold Busters” are really effective at renewing our minds from any deep-seated lies. You might even create more than one “Stronghold Buster” over the course of a year! Just stick to one at a time.
Watch a Stronghold Buster Training put on by our Care & Training Team
Read an article w/ an example Stronghold Buster on Anxiety
Make your own Stronghold Buster with a worksheet
topical resources
If you are struggling with an issue like Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Addictions, etc., we encourage you to check out our bookstore, blog, and YouTube channel for resources that address these topics.
Check out our ministry FAQs here:
If you have lingering questions about our discipleship process or materials, please fill out this form and someone will get back with you.
need additional help?
People often experience a remarkable sense of freedom in many areas of their life from going through The Steps to Freedom in Christ on their own. For others, it is an experience of freedom in only some areas, while others struggle going through The Steps at all and are unable to finish them.
You may find further benefit by praying through The Steps to Freedom in Christ with a trained Encourager in a facilitated Freedom Appointment. For more information on what a Freedom Appointment is and how it works, click here.
Request a Freedom Appointment with a Freedom in Christ Trained Encourager.*
*Please note that the people who will take care of your request are volunteers, and it may take up to two weeks to get a response.
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Short-term Courses based on FICM Materials